The Inspire Workforce HSA is a full-featured spending and savings account with limited cash requirements and automatic roll over into market-driven mutual fund investment elections.

- Add depth and flexibility to your employee health benefits and retirement plans with secure, FDIC-insured financial accounts
- Reduce FICA and FUTA payroll taxes
- Save money on health insurance premiums by offering HSAs along with high deductible health plans
- Employees can view account details, request distributions, update addresses, change payroll deduction elections, view statements, change beneficiaries, or allocate funds into an array of mutual funds using convenient online portals
- Monthly reports generate automatically, with email alerts directing recipients to secure portals for viewing – creating a virtually paper-free administration process
- Add depth and flexibility to your employee health benefits and retirement plans with secure, FDIC-insured financial accounts
- Provide web-based, fully integrated portals with 24/7/365 access to account information
- Online claims, direct deposit reimbursements and electronic statements
- Health FSA, HRA, HSA, dependent care, wellness and transportation accounts are fully integrated in one platform, along with custodial banking services
- Automated scheduling of lump sum, first of the month, or payroll cycle contributions allows for easy mid-year enrollments
- Automated communication and e-mail alerts ensure consistent messaging
- FDIC-insured cash and interest-bearing account
Please feel free to contact us to set up a time for a one on one listening session with one of our business consultants, or if you prefer we can also arrange a webinar in which we address specific needs. Either way we look forward to meeting you!