Cafeteria Plans allow insurance premiums to be deducted from employees’ salary PRE-TAX, decreasing federal, state and FICA income taxes and increasing spendable income. The plan also DECREASES the employer’s FICA and payroll tax obligations. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) can also be included as a benefit option allowing employees to pay for out-of-pocket medical and/or childcare expenses with TAX FREE dollars. Inspire Workforce offers services including plan design and consulting, plan implementation, claims adjudication, daily payment processing, and online web access for both the employer and employee.

Plan Types Include:

Health Care FSA

Limited Purpose FSA (in conjunction with a HSA)

Dependent Care FSA

An Inspire Workforce FSA Includes


Please feel free to contact us to set up a time for a one on one listening session with one of our business consultants, or if you prefer we can also arrange a webinar in which we address specific needs. Either way we look forward to meeting you!
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